
ABE Branches
(If this is your first visit to a branch, call to confirm hours and service availability)

New York

77 West 66th Street
New York, NY 10023

Phone: 212-456-1064
Fax: 516-763-7570
This branch is closing 2/28/2025
New NYC location opening soon

Office Hours
Mon - Fri 8:30am - 4:00pm


190 North State Street
Chicago, IL 60601

Fax: 516-763-7573

Office Hours
Mon - Fri 8:30am - 3:00pm
Closed for Lunch 1:00pm - 1:45pm

Los Angeles

4151 Prospect Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Phone: 323-671-4515
Fax: 516-763-7576

Office Hours
Mon - Fri 9:00am - 3:30pm
Closed for Lunch 11:30am - 12:00pm


2300 Riverside Drive
Burbank, CA 91521

Phone: 818-460-5036
Fax: 516-763-7575

Office Hours
Mon - Fri 9:00am - 3:30pm
Closed for Lunch 11:00am - 11:30am


2312 West Olive Ave, Suite A
Burbank, CA 91506

Phone: 818-840-0500
Fax: 516-763-7577

Office Hours
Mon - Fri 9:00am - 4:00pm
Closed for Lunch 11:30am - 12:00pm


680 Birch Street
Bristol, CT 06010

Phone: 860-766-2622
Fax: 516-763-7572

Office Hours
Mon - Fri 9:00am - 4:00pm
Restricted Access


1717 DeSales Street NW
Washington, DC 20036

Phone: 202-222-7444
Fax: 516-763-7574

Office Hours
Mon - Fri 9:00am - 4:00pm
Closed for Lunch 1:00pm - 1:45pm